In the event of an emergency please dial 911.
The Christopher Kohl’s Fire District lies at the base of the Mogollon Rim and stretches some 43 square miles along State Highway 260. Within the several communities that complete this district, the population ranges from some 400 to 500 “year round” residents into some 20,000 to 30,000 including seasonal residents, campers and tourists in the summer months. Fire protection for this district may be as dynamic as its changing population. That is why CKFD takes pride in standards, best practices, certifications/qualifications and education on both the member level as well as the public level. Due to the strategic placement of apparatus, communities providing hydrants, bladders containing anywhere from 10,000 to 50,000 gallons of water, on going thinning projects and fire breaks, this rural area maintains an ISO rating of 5. There are 3 stations strategically placed within the district. All three stations (51, 52, 53) are fully equipped with fire apparatus at the ready. Station 51, located on Christopher Creek Loop just off HWY 260, is the only manned station within the district. CKFD, as a whole, houses 2 type 1 engines capable of carrying 500- 1,000 gallons of water, 3 water tenders carrying 1,800- 2,500 gallons, 2 type 3 engines carrying 500-750 gallons and 1 type 6 engine carrying 250 gallons. In addition to the several water bladders and heli-tanks in and throughout the district, several of our apparatus are equipt with port-a-tanks or pumpkins capable of containing 1,000 to 2,500 gallons that can be deployed in the event of need.